



Slowear18 is a concept store with a fluid and unexpected identity, that offers a complete integration between a mixology bar & café and a clothing store – which includes both the men‘s and women’s collections of the brand – where the two activities complete and integrate each other with an overall synergy.

这家商店的两种功能在白天共同存在,而在晚上,陈设家具会发生变化,每天晚上7点至9:30,空间会变成一个酒吧,提供精心挑选的烈酒和饮料 ,这里的主题是伟大的意大利开胃酒,还有一种美食cicchetteria,以纪念该品牌的威尼斯起源。Slowear是一种新的体验式零售方法,将产品创新、服装和客户服务完全和谐地融合在一起。

The two-spirit of the store live together during the day while in the evening the furnishings literally transform: every day from 7 to 9.30 pm the space transforms into a mixology bar that offers a meticulous selection of spirits and drinks mixed in an atypical menu proposal, where the main theme is the great Italian aperitifery, alongside a gourmet cicchetteria in honor of the Venetian origins of the brand. A new experiential retail approach by Slowear, in which product innovation, clothing, and customer services merge in total harmony.


Moreover, Slowear18 will feature an exclusive Franciacorta Bar that will offer a wide selection of typologies and labels by Franciacorta, the prestigious sparkling wine that stands for Italian excellence and style.


The main actor in the staging and transformation is the “theater machine” at the center of the space. It‘s a product exhibit system and chandelier during the day and becomes a display case and counter during the evening. Bright and iconic, it’s always visible both from inside and outside the shop.

空间由Visual Display设计,位于米兰经典的建筑内,建筑的厚壁和拱门具有清晰的建筑特点,同时定义了其功能。整个空间利用颜色、透明材质和镜子的反射,在天然材料与合成材料之间不断交换。地板由绿色树脂制成,而墙壁则由暖白色和灰色的材料溶解而成,中间是由带有绿松石颜色的透明性柔软材料制作而成,同时空间内还搭配了深蓝色窗帘。正面的三个大拱门让空间完全向城市敞开。

The space designed by Visual Display – enclosed between the thick walls and arches of a classic Milano building – is characterized by a clear architectural choice that at the same time defines its functions.Archetypal shapes and technical materials meet in a continuous exchange between natural and artifact, material and synthetic; playing with full color, transparencies, and reflections. The floor is made in green resin, while the walls dissolve from a material warm white to gray, interrupted by turquoise transparencies and ultramarine blue curtains. The three large arches on the facade leave the space completely open towards the city.


The bar counter completes the space; it is made in green resin (such as the floor) with brass details and it‘s valorized by the back wall of turquoise mirrors which supports the large bottles’ display window, and at the same time reflects all the details of the store.


项目名称:Slowear 18

设计事务所:Visual Display


地址:Slowear18 -Solferino Street, 18 – Milan – Italy

客户: Slowear Venezia


摄影:DSL Studio 的Alessandro Saletta

Project information——

Project name: Slowear18

Designer:Visual Display

Project year:2020

Address: Slowear18 – Solferino Street, 18 – Milan – Italy

Client: Slowear Venezia


Photography:Alessandro Saletta for DSL Studio


