



The project is located in Hengtong Business park, Beijing. The original building is an old factory warehouse with steel structure, 400 sqm area and 4.2m floor height.

▼办公室外景,exterior view

风格 | STYLE


The client — WMY is a young advertising agency, standing at a leading place in this industry with its outstanding creation and strong power on implement and supervising. This company is in great need of a bigger and proper space to work. The client`s requirement for workplace is that they need a space highly suitable for its enterprise spirit — creative, independent and open minded.

▼办公室前厅,office front lobby



When stepping into the factory during the site survey, designer found client`s black motor bike parking in the space which live in perfect harmony with the naked concrete wall and steel beams and the designer came up with a mind that the aim of this project is to provide a space containing the original site spirit and let the client`s life style, which has some inner coherence with the raw material of the factory continues in the space. As a result of which, the theme of this space supposed to be industrial style.

▼入口门厅一侧设置坐落在台阶上的会议室, a big meeting room was lift onto a seat like stepping

▼座位细部,seating area

▼阳光洒入洽谈区,seminar area in sunlight



In respect of the original spirit of the factory warehouse, the designer chose the concrete and metal as the major interior material. The material of the floor and wall finish is cement paint with raw concrete texture which shaped a basic industrial atmosphere. The ceiling and partition wall besides the working station is made of black metal mesh in the purpose of maintain the space transparency and sense of sequence and ceremony. The material of customized furniture made of cement panel and black steel remains the same taste with the whole theme.

▼黑色金属网划分出功能分区并体现空间的序列感和仪式感,the black metal mesh maintains the space transparency and sense of sequence and ceremony

▼软硬结质感结合的工业风调性,soft leather and hard concrete generate a cozy industrial atmosphere

空间 | SPACE


In order to make full use of the space’s characteristic, we inputted several featured node in certain place in the office.

▼利用层高优势创造丰富的层次感,the storey height was fully used to create different levels of space


When in closed mode, the rotatable concrete screen in front the entrance lobby serves as partition wall between the lobby and pantry as well as background screen for the client`s mascot motor bike. When in opened mode, the lobby and pantry connected together served as a whole big space for party.

▼门厅设置可转动的水泥屏风,rotatable concrete screen in front the entrance lobby

▼屏风旋转90°呈打开状态时,茶水间及门厅连成一体,when in opened mode, the lobby and pantry connected together served as a whole big space for party

▼闭合状态时作为分隔前厅与茶水间的隔断,when in closed mode, the rotatable concrete screen serves as partition wall between the lobby and pantry

▼储物室及细部,storage and interior detail


We lifted the big meeting room onto a seat like stepping so as to create a focal point in the first station of this journey. The stepping can be worked as part of the seminar space. In the meantime, the stepping extended into the pantry and served as its seat, which create a space continuity in public space.

▼开放办公区,open office


The main circulation space set beside both sides of the lobby possess different space experience, the one close to the exterior wall, with seminar space aside, shares plenty daylight through the French window, and the one in the middle of the space serves as exhibition space surrounded by carved concrete culture wall and featured lights.

▼企业墙,culture wall


▼入口夜景,entrance night view






设计公司:里外工作室 Within Beyond Studio






