








选备内容:PS + Research Proposal




Dear Prof xxx/Dr xxx,

I hope you are doing well.

My name is xxx and will get the master’s degree in xxx at xxx which is xxx (Rank x/xx, GPA XX/100). I am writing to inquire about the availability of obtaining a PhD position in your research group.

I have participated in some academic programmes using xxx, for example, xxx. My contribution here is to xxx, which requires solid statistical knowledge. I have undertaken statistics modules at which I excelled, achieving a grade of xx%. Besides, I have also got the opportunities for researching the xx, such as xxx (20xx). And I published xxx(xx). More detaied information can be found in my attached CV.

In the future, I want to focus on xx: xx. Previous studies have centered on the xx, which is not sufficient to explain the xx. The focus of this programme will locate the xxx, as well as the xx. How xx will be explored with regard to their xx. Multiple methods would be applied to investigate how xxx and what xx.

I have explored your website and your recent publications in detail, and it seems like an excellent fit for me because of its emphasis on the xx and xx.

I bear in mind that you are very busy, so I appreciated your reply at any time. Attached files are my MA/MSc transcript and CV. I would also be interested in any other information or advice you might be willing to share.

Best wishes



Dear Prof xxx/Dr xxx,

I hope this email finds you well.

My name is xxx, I have finished my postgraduate study in xxx (专业名称) with an average mark of xxx at xxx (研究毕业的学校), while I hold on xxx (本科专业) at xxx (本科学校). Inspired by the research I experienced during my postgraduate study, I determined to devote myself to academic research prospectively. I would like to apply for a PhD position under your supervision.

I found out that your current research addresses several themes, which includes xxxx. And your work focuses on xxx, which coincide with my research interest in the future. My proposal topic focuses on the problem between xxxx (这里可以简单介绍一下你的research proposal 的内容,要精简,同时也要结合你和导师之间的相同点去做一个结合的介绍,你要让你的导师看到你们的匹配度). Hence, I believe some future research in this area could profoundly improve xxx. And I would like to delicate myself to this topic. It will be my pleasure to discuss some more research interest ideals with you if you have a plan to recruit some Ph.D. students.

My academic performance indicates that I possess good academic skills for further academic research. I received remarkable xxxx (这一部分可以着重突出那些对你未来研究有帮助的学科成绩和项目作业). Besides, I did an internship in xxxx (这里可以介绍相关经历). In addition, I grasped great foundation knowledge of xxx in my xxx. Thus, I am pretty confifent that I can become a qualified researcher in my forthcoming research career.

I would like to inquire whether you are accepting a Ph.D. student at this time. If so, would you be open to talking more, via phone or email, about the possibility of joining your group?

It would be highly appreciated if you could take a look at my full CV and proposal below. I look forward to your kind response.

Best wishes










如果是中立回复,不妨后续和老师跟进一下,比如问问可不可以让老师看看你的研究计划,可不可以选他做你的申请过程中的potential supervisor。



1. Proposal可以是粗略草稿,但不能粗制滥造。必要时找专业人员proofreading。即使套瓷信想法很好,但是写的太烂。完全不够academic还有语法错误,这简直太致命了。

2. 套瓷信虽然是白话套近乎,但是导师没有和你那么近乎。不要太过于注意礼貌,好像在求老师一样。不卑不亢,恰好好处是最好的。

3. 邮件正文最好不要超过邮箱一页的阅读长度,其他supporting documents都放在附件,清晰标题。导师忙的很,秒回都是少数,一般都没耐心阅读长邮件,正文写明来意让导师轻松知道是最好的。

4. 一封套瓷不要用于所有老师,每个老师的研究兴趣着重点都是不一样。还是不建议一封套瓷投遍整个大海。

5. 一个学校不要同时套瓷两个老师,很可能两个老师在一个教研组。说起来发现是一个学生,你岂不就很尴尬了。

总而言之,套瓷是一个时间跨度很长的工作。学姐曾经申请博士的时候,发出了不下40封的套瓷信。其中有的导师隔两三个月才给我回复。所以那些想申请博士,但是能力和时间有限的小伙伴们,快来联系TKS education。 我们现在与英国各大学在校老师及博士后合作,帮你事半功倍哦。


