



How many of us know Moringa seeds? Or what their plants look like?

How many of those who do really understand their multiple interests?

If you think Moringa seeds are like the other seeds growing in the trees, then I change your mind here.

The most famous "drumstick tree" in India, moringa has different names in different countries and regions. It is called "Sahijan" in Hindi, "Munaga" in Tamil and "Murungai" in Tamil. The Tagalog name in the Philippines is 'Mulunggay' and sounds like 'Moringa'.

Let's read more about what Moringa seeds are and why they are so helpful.

We will start with the basics, first of all to discuss the mighty Moringa.

Moringa is one of the most valuable plants known to mankind for decades. It is a native of the sub-Himalayas, Asia, Africa and Arabia and is becoming more popular in several western countries.

Moringa has 4 edible parts - pods, leaves, seeds and roots. In addition to producing edible parts, the plant has the potential to address malnutrition, hunger, rural poverty, public health, deforestation and aesthetic issues. The incredible health benefits of Moringa Seeds are obtained from the pods of Moringa plants.

Moringa trees have been commonly referred to as "miracle trees" for centuries in Asia, Africa and the Caribbean. It is rich in vitamin B6, β-carotene, vitamin C, magnesium and protein and other nutrients.

Due to its abundant nutrient density, this tree is known for the treatment or treatment of skin diseases, digestion, vision, diabetes, cholesterol, bacterial infections, obesity and the promotion of overall well-being.

我们中有多少人知道辣木籽是什么? 或者他们的植物是什么样子?



在印度广为人知的“鼓槌树”,moringa在不同的国家和地区有不同的名字。 它被称为印度语中的“Sahijan”,泰米尔语中的“Munaga”,泰米尔语中的“Murungai”。 菲律宾的他加禄语的名字是'Mulunggay',听起来很像'辣木'。



辣木是几十年来人类已知的最有价值的植物之一。 它是亚喜马拉雅地区,亚洲,非洲和阿拉伯的本地人,并在几个西方国家越来越受欢迎。

辣木属植物有4个可食部分 - 豆荚,叶子,种子和根。 除了生产可食用的部分外,这种植物还有解决营养不良,饥饿,农村贫困,公共卫生,森林砍伐和美学问题的潜力。 辣木籽令人难以置信的健康益处从辣木植物的豆荚获得。

在几个世纪以来,辣木树在亚洲,非洲和加勒比海地区一直被普遍称为“奇迹树”。 它富含维生素B6,β-胡萝卜素,维生素C,镁和蛋白质等营养物质。



