
​Word of the Day:gauntlet「臂铠」


Word of the Day:September 29, 2020




noun GAWNT-lut


1 : a glove worn with medieval armor to protect the hand


2 : any of various protective gloves used especially in industry


3 : an open challenge (as to combat) — used in phrases like throw down the gauntlet

公开赛(与战斗有关)— 用在短语 throw down the gauntlet「下战书,与某人挑战」

4 : a dress glove extending above the wrist



"No, Jack answered. He stared up at the advancing knight, and his hand wrapped itself tightly around the guitar-pick in his pocket. The spike-studded gauntlets came up toward the visor of its bird-helmet. They raised it." — Stephen King and Peter Straub, The Talisman, 1984

不,杰克回答。他凝视着前进的骑士,他的手紧紧地握着口袋里的吉他拨片。 柳丁手套伸向其 bird-helmet 的面罩。他们举起了面罩。”

(本段文字来自1984年的彼得·斯陶伯、史蒂芬·金的小说“魔符” 。哈哈小说没看过不知道理解的对不对,如有错误欢迎大家指正啊。)

"Last week, the California Teachers Association threw down the gauntlet and told Newsom and legislators that schools aren't ready to reopen, citing the short time frame and the recent surge of infections." — Dan Walters, The Orange County (California) Register, 13 July 2020

上周,加利福尼亚教师协会(California Teachers Association)取消了这项工作,并向新闻通讯社(Newsom)和议员们表示,学校由于时间紧迫以及近期感染率的增加,还没有准备好重新开放。”

Did You Know?

Gauntlet comes from Middle French gantelet, the diminutive of gant, meaning "glove." (The gauntlet that means "severe trial," "ordeal," or "double file of armed men" is a different word that originates from Swedish gata, meaning "lane" or "way.") To throw down the gauntlet is to issue an open challenge, while to pick up the gauntlet is to accept an open challenge. These figurative phrases come from the conventions of medieval combat. The gauntlet was the glove of a suit of armor. To challenge someone to combat, a knight would throw his glove at another knight's feet. The second knight would take it up if he intended to accept the challenge, in which case a jousting match might ensue.

Gauntlet 来自中古法语的gantelett,是gant的指小词缀,意为“glove「手套」”。(gauntlet指“severe trial「严峻的考验」”,“ordeal「严峻的考验」”或“double file of armed men「分两列纵队的军队?」”,是源自瑞典语gata的不同词,意为“lane「车道」”或“way「道路」”。) To throw down the gauntlet 「公开挑战」,是接受公开挑战。这些比喻短语来自中世纪的战斗管理。 The gauntlet 是一副盔甲的手套。为了挑战某人进行战斗,骑士会把手套扔到另一个骑士的脚上。如果第二名骑士打算接受挑战,那么他将拿起手套,(在这种情况下可能会进行争夺赛)。

Test Your Vocabulary

Unscramble the letters to create a word for a hand covering loaded with lead or iron that was used by ancient Roman boxers: UETSSC.


